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The Wedding Nerds: At what age do parents not pay for weddings?

paying for a wedding

Marrying is costly. For one thing, you have to reclaim your living expenses for at least a few months. Also, you need to consider the cost of a honeymoon which will consume at least some of your wedding budget. It may seem like a large amount of money, but it is actually a good investment.

There is a better way to spend money. Most guests will have a budget, but they may alter it to fit their individual circumstances. Some guests may be able make an educated guess at the couple’s income. Some are even willing to invest their own money. Relying on friends and family may seem like a smart idea, but it can end up being costly.

When it comes to planning their wedding, those in the know will do their research. In fact, NerdWallet commissioned a survey of 1,992 U.S. adults to find out the best places to find information about the cost of getting married. Americans spend $112 per guest. Some are even using credit cards to cover the cost. It was also revealed that, while the wedding industry remains dominated by men, it is more likely for women to get married.

It may not be true that you won't spend a lot on your wedding but it is possible to have fun and memorable events. The people who know what to do will make sure the budget goes towards the right things. If the couple has a small budget, they might choose to keep their honeymoon funds in check and opt for a simple or tailored dress. Alternatively, if the budget is more generous, they may opt to go all out on their wedding. This is a great option for couples who want to have fun on their big day without worrying about money.

Although weddings can be costly, there are ways you can save. Some guests may choose to give money to charities instead of buying gifts. They might even buy something from the registry if they have particular needs. Blueprint Registry is one of the most popular online registries. It boasts a 42% fulfillment ratio. This is a nice perk for those who have a registry. According to the site's statistics, the average registry gift costs $72, making it an attractive option.


What are the best investments to help my money grow?

You must have a plan for what you will do with the money. How can you expect to make money if your goals are not clear?

You also need to focus on generating income from multiple sources. This way if one source fails, another can take its place.

Money is not something that just happens by chance. It takes planning and hardwork. To reap the rewards of your hard work and planning, you need to plan ahead.

What should I look for when choosing a brokerage firm?

There are two important things to keep in mind when choosing a brokerage.

  1. Fees – How much are you willing to pay for each trade?
  2. Customer Service – Will you receive good customer service if there is a problem?

You want to work with a company that offers great customer service and low prices. If you do this, you won't regret your decision.

What are the types of investments available?

There are many options for investments today.

Some of the most loved are:

  • Stocks - Shares of a company that trades publicly on a stock exchange.
  • Bonds – A loan between parties that is secured against future earnings.
  • Real estate – Property that is owned by someone else than the owner.
  • Options - These contracts give the buyer the ability, but not obligation, to purchase shares at a set price within a certain period.
  • Commodities – These are raw materials such as gold, silver and oil.
  • Precious metals: Gold, silver and platinum.
  • Foreign currencies - Currencies other that the U.S.dollar
  • Cash - Money which is deposited at banks.
  • Treasury bills - A short-term debt issued and endorsed by the government.
  • Commercial paper - Debt issued to businesses.
  • Mortgages – Individual loans that are made by financial institutions.
  • Mutual Funds – These investment vehicles pool money from different investors and distribute the money between various securities.
  • ETFs are exchange-traded mutual funds. However, ETFs don't charge sales commissions.
  • Index funds - An investment fund that tracks the performance of a particular market sector or group of sectors.
  • Leverage – The use of borrowed funds to increase returns
  • ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) - An exchange-traded mutual fund is a type that trades on the same exchange as any other security.

These funds offer diversification benefits which is the best part.

Diversification is the act of investing in multiple types or assets rather than one.

This helps protect you from the loss of one investment.


  • Some traders typically risk 2-5% of their capital based on any particular trade. (investopedia.com)
  • If your stock drops 10% below its purchase price, you have the opportunity to sell that stock to someone else and still retain 90% of your risk capital. (investopedia.com)
  • 0.25% management fee $0 $500 Free career counseling plus loan discounts with a qualifying deposit Up to 1 year of free management with a qualifying deposit Get a $50 customer bonus when you fund your first taxable Investment Account (nerdwallet.com)
  • They charge a small fee for portfolio management, generally around 0.25% of your account balance. (nerdwallet.com)

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How To

How to invest In Commodities

Investing in commodities involves buying physical assets like oil fields, mines, plantations, etc., and then selling them later at higher prices. This is called commodity trading.

The theory behind commodity investing is that the price of an asset rises when there is more demand. The price falls when the demand for a product drops.

You want to buy something when you think the price will rise. You don't want to sell anything if the market falls.

There are three main types of commodities investors: speculators (hedging), arbitrageurs (shorthand) and hedgers (shorthand).

A speculator will buy a commodity if he believes the price will rise. He does not care if the price goes down later. For example, someone might own gold bullion. Or, someone who invests into oil futures contracts.

An investor who buys commodities because he believes they will fall in price is a "hedger." Hedging is a way of protecting yourself from unexpected changes in the price. If you own shares in a company that makes widgets, but the price of widgets drops, you might want to hedge your position by shorting (selling) some of those shares. You borrow shares from another person, then you replace them with yours. This will allow you to hope that the price drops enough to cover the difference. If the stock has fallen already, it is best to shorten shares.

The third type, or arbitrager, is an investor. Arbitragers trade one item to acquire another. For instance, if you're interested in buying coffee beans, you could buy coffee beans directly from farmers, or you could buy coffee futures. Futures let you sell coffee beans at a fixed price later. The coffee beans are yours to use, but not to actually use them. You can choose to sell the beans later or keep them.

You can buy things right away and save money later. You should buy now if you have a future need for something.

There are risks associated with any type of investment. One risk is the possibility that commodities prices may fall unexpectedly. The second risk is that your investment's value could drop over time. You can reduce these risks by diversifying your portfolio to include many different types of investments.

Taxes are another factor you should consider. You must calculate how much tax you will owe on your profits if you intend to sell your investments.

Capital gains taxes may be an option if you intend to keep your investments more than a year. Capital gains taxes are only applicable to profits earned after you have held your investment for more that 12 months.

If you don't expect to hold your investments long term, you may receive ordinary income instead of capital gains. For earnings earned each year, ordinary income taxes will apply.

You can lose money investing in commodities in the first few decades. However, you can still make money when your portfolio grows.


The Wedding Nerds: At what age do parents not pay for weddings?